Ankole Traditional and Cultural Experiences in Uganda

Ankole Traditional and Cultural Experiences in Uganda

Ankole Cultural Experience:

Ankole is one of the oldest kingdoms in Uganda and was created in the 15th Century.

Ankole’s cultural heritage is fast fading.

Igongo Cultural Museum and Nshenyi Village are trying to preserve some of the Ankole Culture.

Nshenyi Village is a cultural homestead.

Many farmers grow millet, banana and local tomatoes. They also engage in cattle keeping and beekeeping in rocks and caves.

Tourists are able to engage in different activities. They can also cook for themselves sometimes as part of the community.  They can do bird watching in Nshenyi forests.

Nshenyi Cultural Centre is also home of the Batwa Community who live in isolation. They do blacksmith and pottery related activities. The Batwa mold pots naturally without the help of any tool. They sell the souvenirs to the tourists.

During the cultural experience tourists are able to:

  • Listening to traditional music and dances of South Western Uganda
    •Traditional fishing
    •Milking and processing of milk
    •Night campfire
    •Nature walks
    •Bird watching walks
    •Visiting the Batwa Pygmy community

Igongo Cultural Museum is a collection of art crafts, photos, information panels, norms and customs. It also exhibits the culture of South Western Uganda and her neighboring kingdoms.

Activities at Igongo Cultural Centre:

  • Visit the Ankole Farm
    •Hiking the eclipse hill and eclipse monument of the 1520 AD
    •Tour of the traditional huts, milk and millet processing
    •Fishing and Canoeing
    •Visiting Ankole’s Royal Tombs
    •Visiting former King’s Palace

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